My second Sunshine Blogger Award

With thanks to Anshika and Sakshi
@ Dream it till it comes true

Whoop, whoop! Anshika and Sakshi from Dream it till it comes true nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award! So thank you, thank you, thank you.

I’m thrilled to receive this nomination from these lovely young ladies (age 15-16). Their journey as bloggers began a result of a high school project, but it soon became their inspiration. They share their own ideas of how they see the world, aiming to inspire and make a difference. Their blog is indeed inspiring, thoughtful and full of the joys of youth. Why not pop on over, say hi and give them some support.

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  5. List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.


Affirmations and self-soothing words help keep me positive
Self-compassion and affirmations help
keep me positive – Image by Pixabay

1. What is your say on all positive approach to life? I try to maintain positivity in all that I say and do. However, with life’s obstacles, it’s not always easy. I try to practice mindfulness to calm my mind when I’ve feeling edgy and negative – there’s always a reason and once I’ve dealt with that, the positivity returns. And lots of of self-compassion, self-soothing and mantras helps maintain a positive attitude for me.

2. What you do at times of writer’s block ? Also mention reasons for a writers block , if any? Because I have all my diaries from years of being a nursing student, a mental health nurse and a ward manager, I kind of have a lot to write about. So it’s not so much writer’s block, it’s trying to decide what area to write about and when. Obviously, I’ll come across it at some point. I think there are many reasons for writer’s block, such as tiredness, illness (physical or mental), writing too many posts maybe or perhaps not having a clear idea of where they want to take their blog?

3. When you started or even now do you feel like deleting a frank post,  overthinking that it’s too bold ? What you do if it happens? I haven’t had to do that yet. but what I have done is to leave my post overnight, reread it and cut the bits I don’t like the next day. I’d always advise anyone to hold fire if they’re thinking of a very overt, frank post or controversial post. Leave it a few hours, do something else and return to reread it.

4. Do you believe in planning to the last detail or rough plans or no plan at all? I suppose it’s all or nothing. Like planning for Christmas to the nth degree, that’s all about precision planning. I suppose anything around food and entertaining guests, I put a lot of effort into making it my best 🙂 Otherwise, due my my physical and mental illness, I don’t normally plan, but I always get to my chosen destination in the end 😉

“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”

Earl Nightingale

5. What is the weirdest flavour or combination you ever found in a drink or snack? Oooh! I think it was when I first tried peanut butter and jam on toast. The thought of it was Yuk but it tasted amazing and I still love it now. As for drinks, no doubt I’ve drank many weird concoctions they now call cocktails 😉

6. What is your most embarrassing moment? Really? Oh that’s not fair! I was physically disabled in 2011 and the symptoms were many, including having no internal sensation which meant I could be wearing shorts and pee myself in public in the early days. That’s all sorted now thank goodness. And that’s all I’ll admit to, this time 😉

7. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Why or why not? While I’m not really an animal person, I wouldn’t like to see them hurt in any way. It’s certainly not cats urgh! Everyone in my family has a dog, just not me.

8. If you had the opportunity to pick one superpower for the rest of your life what would you choose: time travel, teleportation, telepathy, psychokinesis, invisibility? Definitely invisibility — perfect for all the pranks I play on my family.

9. How do you cope with stress or anxiety? Any special tricks you’d like to share? As a mental health nurse, ward manager and Mental Health First Aid Instructor, I have a vast and varied toolbox full of useful resources that I can use if or when I need to. For me personally, it’s getting the breathing exercise right first. I know a lot of people don’t think it works but it’s scientifically proven to work. If anyone’s interested you might find this article here on Anxiety and Panic attacks useful.

10. Is the universe finite or infinite? And why do things even exist at all? Oh my word, you got me there. That’s a bit too deep for my old brain 😉

11. If you had one week left to live what would you do? Get all my family together somewhere hot, in huge villas with pools, bbq area so we could spend every last minute together, having fun 🙂

My nominees are:

  1. Blessed with a star on the forehead
  2. Tangie @ Tangie’s Blog
  3. The crazy beautiful life
  4. Meg @ Where good advice happens
  5. Alishia @ The philosophical psychotic
Large red question mark with little white character leaning against it, pondering

I love the blogger awards cos it gives us a chance to celebrate and introduce new bloggers. So, nominees, I do hope you’ll participate and let us get to know a bit more about you by answering the questions I did. And for everyone else, please stop by my nominees blogs to say hi and read more amazing content. In the meantime, as always, please feel free to comment or ask questions.


Mum to two amazing sons. Following recovery from a lengthy psychotic episode, depression, anxiety and anorexia, I decided to train as a Mental Health Nurse and worked successfully in various settings before becoming a Ward Manager. I am a Mental Health First Aid Instructor and a Mental Health Awareness Trainer, Mental Health First Aid Youth and Mental Health Armed Forces Instructor. Just started my mental health from the other side blog.

32 thoughts on “My second Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Loved your answers .
    That’s why I am always so excited to read the nomination posts , we get to know so many things about each other and a lovely variation as well as match of perspectives 🤩

  2. YAY!! Thank you so much!! This will be fun!!

    I’ve been there with the urination thing. The first time I visited Sonya in Prague, my bladder was on its worst behavior. I can’t have artificial sweeteners because they weaken my bladder control. Apparently, all European soft drinks are artificially sweetened. Who knew? I pretty much urinated all over Prague. And it was hot due to its being early autumn, so I said to Sonya, “I’d pay twenty dollars to be able to drink this two-liter of Sprite.” She picked up the Sprite and carried it over to a high shelf, and then she made me some tea. 😀 Yeah, it was pretty disastrous. We had to keep stopping in clothing shops so I could buy replacement underwear and/or pants while on the go. But when I visited her a year later (late last year), I paid attention, and my bladder was okay.

  3. Congratulations. I enjoyed reading your answers and definitely can related to getting breathing exercises right having previous diagnosis of mild to moderate depression. The breathing exercises also help calm our 22 years old son who has Autism. Thank you for nominating me. Have a great day and be safe.

    1. You’re welcome Tangie. I feel for you, anxiety and depression are awful. I can see how the breathing would help your son and I hope he’s well. Nice finding out a bit more about you Tangie. Catch up soon, Caz x

  4. Congratulations! You know, I never did warm up to peanut butter and jelly. 😉 I actually don’t eat much peanut butter anymore, but my favorite ways to eat it used to be peanut butter and honey toast or peanut butter on apple slices.

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