Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award

I’m delighted to be nominated for this Award

I’m really happy I was nominated for this lovely Award by Ritisha who posts an array of things on her blog, whether it be delightful, heartfelt poetry or thoughtful book reviews. Please take a look at her blog for stories and photos of her travels through Iceland – that’s got to be on my Bucket List. Thank you Ritisha, much appreciated.

I know they’re not for everyone, but I do love the award questions — it’s a really great way of finding out about our fellow-bloggers, through reading about their lives, their likes, dislike and often funny answers


  • Thank the person that nominated you with a link to their blog.
  • Make a post of the award (with a photo).
  • Post the rules.
  • Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.
  • Nominate 10-30 other bloggers.
  • Follow Vincent Ehindero at (to qualify for a free blog promotion and shoutout and more blogging opportunities).

Tishgirls Questions

Pen holder made into the word BLOG in Green, orange, blue and yellow
  1. What is your favourite aspect of blogging? I love writing about my experiences and hope that people can take something positive from my blog. What I most love though is the community aspect, meeting new friends, sharing with and learning from fellow-bloggers.
  2. What is your favourite social media platform, and why? I suppose it’s WordPress as that’s where I get most of my readers from. I’m not tech savvy and therefore I don’t use anything other than WordPress, Twitter and Pinterest (which I’ve just started using).
  3. Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person? Oh, definitely outdoors, particularly when the sun’s shining, whether it’s at the beach, a beautiful blue lake or a picnic in the park.
  4. Tell me a weird fact about yourself! Mmmm, tough one. Ah, I used to be a majorette in a pipe band when I was a kid, with a white uniform, a tall white top hat with a big red feather in it 😉
  5. What is your favourite season? Definitely summer!
  6. What is your favourite memory? Wow, I have so many and some of them include being on the back of hubby’s massive BMW motorbike, travelling around Europe, stopping at some of the most beautiful places.
  7. Cats or dogs? Neither – sorry, I’m not and never have been a pet owner. All my family have a dog, but not for me. Categorically, no cats.
  8. If you were an only child, would you wish to have siblings? Crikey, yes. I’d have had nobody to tease mercilessly if I was a lone child, would I 😉
  9. What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? It has to be yummy scrummy chocolate with — more chocolate.
  10. What three wishes would you ask from a genie? Okay, I’m being selfish here but 1) Please take my physical pain away, 2) take away this damn virus and 3) Stop weapons of mass destruction.

My nominations are

Coloured photo of 2 male and 3 female friends, hugging and holding drinks like they're saying cheers.
Cheers to you all – Image by
  1. Maddie at Addicted to life
  2. Rajesh at Travelling foods
  3. Anushka at Pillow thoughts
  4. Kitty at Kitty Jade Blog
  5. Sadie at Blushy Ginger

I’ve chosen only to nominate five people this time round and please take a look at their work. I think they’re all young and upcoming bloggers who’d appreciate your support. There are so many other great blogs I’d love to introduce you to. But I also have another much appreciated Award nomination which I’ll respond to; answering the questions and setting questions of my own a.s.a.p.

My questions are

  1. Tell us two truths and one lie about you
  2. Where do you live and what’s great about it?
  3. What’s your favourite dish to cook?
  4. Where’s the best place – country, city, beach – you’ve visited or travelled to?
  5. Who’s your best friend and what would they say about you?
  6. Do you have siblings and what have you learned from them?
  7. Which age group do you fit into (10-20, 21-30, 31-40 and so on) and what’s been your favourite age?
  8. What’s your blog about?
  9. Where would you most love to travel to?
  10. When did you last have a good old belly laugh?

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you are safe and well! I’m happy to read any comments and answer any questions (about my dubious fashion sense; wearing a daft uniform when I was 11).


Mum to two amazing sons. Following recovery from a lengthy psychotic episode, depression, anxiety and anorexia, I decided to train as a Mental Health Nurse and worked successfully in various settings before becoming a Ward Manager. I am a Mental Health First Aid Instructor and a Mental Health Awareness Trainer, Mental Health First Aid Youth and Mental Health Armed Forces Instructor. Just started my mental health from the other side blog.

18 thoughts on “Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award”

  1. Congrats on the well-deserved award. I’m with you on the ice-cream – anything that’s chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate is good! Nom nom, think I could live off the stuff. xx

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