Don’t miss out on this opportunity – it’s self-promotion day

I started my blog late August, last year, 2019 looking to inform, educate and bring hope by telling my story of experiencing domestic violence and overcoming a psychotic depression before studying to become a mental health nurse.

I didn’t realise how much I had to say about both my personal and professional journey. It’s been hard at times, not only writing but having both a mental illness and physical disorder called Transverse Myelitis (TM), which are exhausting.

TM is similar to MS in that it is a neurological disorder but the difference is TM has lesions on the spine only and MS has lesions on the brain – they are related and have similar symptoms. TM obviously affects my mood and I regret to say that – when I was initially diagnosed and couldn’t walk – I wanted to die. Had I not regained the ability to walk and look normal, I think I might have taken my own life.

That sounds terrible doesn’t it? I wanted to look normal. Perhaps you’ll think me vain and selfish, but that was how I felt at the time. Fortunately, though I do still have lots of awful symptoms and swallow hundreds of tablets each week, those dark thoughts have left me. I still experience depression and anxiety, for which I also take medication that helps.

One thing I didn’t expect when I first started blogging was the friendship and support of fellow-bloggers. I’ve not only been amazed, inspired, surprised and educated, but I’ve also been impressed by some fantastic blogs and had some great laughs along the way. And for that, I thank you all.

Now I’d like to give something in return and offer you, my fellow-bloggers the opportunity to tell my followers a little bit about yourself, your blog and why you started blogging. Do you have any advice or great tips you could share? You might want to leave a link to one of your top/favourite posts so that peeps can read your amazing blog for themselves.

You could do a guest post – I’d be absolutely delighted. I know you’ve all got loads of interesting things to say and I know lots of people will be interested in what you have to say.

I’m really looking forward to hearing from you.


Mum to two amazing sons. Following recovery from a lengthy psychotic episode, depression, anxiety and anorexia, I decided to train as a Mental Health Nurse and worked successfully in various settings before becoming a Ward Manager. I am a Mental Health First Aid Instructor and a Mental Health Awareness Trainer, Mental Health First Aid Youth and Mental Health Armed Forces Instructor. Just started my mental health from the other side blog.

26 thoughts on “Don’t miss out on this opportunity – it’s self-promotion day”

  1. I don’t think it’s vain at all to want to look normal; that’s a social expectation that’s drilled into us from very early on.

    When I started blogging I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of other health professionals (both present and former) talking about their own mental health problems. I knew that obviously I wasn’t the only nurse with a mental illness, but the online world is the first chance I’ve had to actually connect with others.

  2. I don’t think this desire to “look normal” to others is at all unusual, I have it myself. I think we ourselves will always be aware of what ails us, but I think it is very reasonable to want to get to a point where nobody else would be able to detect them, i.e. to “look normal”.

  3. Hi. I’m Greg (actually, that’s a pen name). I started blogging just because I wanted to write what was on my mind. About a year ago, though, I got an idea for a new blog, which is the only one I’m still writing in these days. It’s a continuing story about an awkward college kid in the 1990s, based on my own experiences and my own friends from that era.

    If you’re looking for tips on how to build a career blogging, I’m not the one to ask. But if you’re looking for tips on how to have fun, I would say just do it, have fun, be yourself, and don’t stress about deadlines. Also, comment on other people’s blogs and have conversations. I’m still learning about blogging too. If you’re worried about people you know seeing your blog and learning things about you that might be uncomfortable to share, do what I do and change all the names so you can claim plausible deniability… hehe. 🙂

    On the topic of mental health, my favorite post overall is this one:
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

  4. Hi there! I blog to process my feelings, and that sort of thing. I’m on a quest to uncover the truth about human nature!! 🙂

  5. Hello Caz, thank you this nice opportunity. I would love to be a guest blogger on your blog 🙂 I would like to write a post especially for that occasion. I know what I want to write but I also know that it will take me some time. How long does your offer count?

  6. I started my blog in october 2018, due to stress with my kids and life. This then led to blogging fiction stories and developing my writing skills. I started a second blog in June 2019.

    I find writing cathartic and it has really helped me.

  7. Personally, I think wanting to “look normal” is just one way of wanting security. When we find a secure space, a secure image, we want it to stay the same so we don’t have to deal with the stress of uncertainty. I’m glad you are past the dark thoughts. I don’t have direct experience with TM, but lesions on the spine sounds terribly painful.

  8. First, I would like to congratulate you for your immense strength in fighting with so many things. It certainly takes a lot to get up and start following your passion, plus, you’re helping others through your blog which is another level of achievement.
    I have also been through depression, and that’s when I started to write. Writing is my passion. So that’s how I started with my blog ( . All of the stories/poems revolve around the idea of mindfulness.
    I am dropping one of the recent post :
    I hope you enjoy reading it.
    All the very best to you!

  9. You are a strong individual to have cope with your struggles. I can’t imagine the pain or discomfort it may cause, but I am glad you are sharing your experiences that others may face.

  10. I’m so grateful that you made it through that difficult time, and have found an outlet in your blog. I’ve found drafting posts often helps me work through complex feelings and sometimes, realize how I truly feel about some things. I started my blog because I wanted there to be a place where positive energy had a home; a place readers could turn when they needed something uplifting. With all the negativity in the world, places like that seem to be in short supply. I hope it’s provided that for some. I know it’s been good for me! And yes, the blogging community is so supportive; I feel much less alone since becoming a part of it, and I’ve made some very special friends. Good luck to you and thank you for writing this blog!
    My Best Friend Adeline

  11. Self promotion day. I like the sounds of that day. I have suffered from mental health since I was a little girl. Self promotion definitely wasn’t part of me. For 10 to 15 years I used drugs to cover up my feelings and low self confidence. I am now in recovery. My mental health isn’t perfect but it is a lot better.

    1. Aaaww, nice to see you dropping in Lisa and welcome to the blogging community. You’ll find everyone really supportive so if you have any questions, go ahead – make someone’s day.
      Really sorry to hear about your experiences – it’s horrible, I know – but I’m glad to hear you’re in recovery, which again, can’t be easy. But we’re all here and I look forward to reading your blog. Caz x

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