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I’ve been nominated for an Awesome Blogger Award

I’m really happy to accept this nomination

Awarded by Aathmana at

Aathmana from Story Girl nominated me for the Awesome Blogger Award. She writes wonderful stories about her mum who is a mental health nurse (tick, I love that), her life growing up in South India, and how she loves cooking (another tick, I’ve asked for some recipes) and she likes writing book reviews.

She’s quite new to blogging and is enjoying the support from fellow-bloggers so please drop by and take a look at her blog. She’d love some feedback and looks forward to hearing from other bloggers.

• Thank the person who nominated you.
• Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
• Answer the questions you were asked.
• Nominate at least five bloggers and inform them of their nomination.
• Give them ten new questions to answer.

 Aathmana’s questions

Smile and the world smiles with you
— cry, and you cry alone
  1. What is the thing that you love the most about you? & Why? People say they love my smile so I love that too. Real smiles come from the eyes and the heart – smiles can brighten an otherwise dull day.
  2. Have you ever felt that you are lacking something? If so what? Lol, not so much lacking but i suppose I wish I was artistic, I’d love to be able to drawn, to knit or sew beautiful things. The one thing I can do well with my hands is cooking foods from around the world and baking cakes.
  3. When did you first fall in love with books? Did someone introduce you to the world of books or was it you who walked into it without anyone’s aid? I think it was a bit different when I was a kid growing up in Scotland, we were quite poor and never really had many books or got into reading – shame 🙁
  4. Share a piece of literature that you found intriguing. Do tell us why? Crikey, now I look really illiterate and boring – cos I never read that kind of stuff, ever.
  5. Share five books that caught your heart. Also share five movies/ books which inspired you the most. Again, it won’t be books but my favourite films are 1) A Beautiful Mind which is a 2001 American biographical drama film based on the life of the American mathematician John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) who had schizophrenia, he was a Nobel Laureate in Economics and Abel Prize winner. 2) It’s a wonderful Life – An angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed. It’s a classic Christmas film. 3) Silver Linings Playbook represents the range of emotion that often occurs with bipolar disorder in a real and riveting way. After a stay in a mental health hospital, Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper) is forced to move back in with his parents. His previously untreated symptoms of bipolar disorder caused him to lose both his wife and job, and he is determined to get his wife back. 4)  Girl, Interrupted looks at through the character of Susanna (Winona Ryder), who suffers from borderline personality disorder (BPD). 5) Rain Man is an uplifting film that exhibits a great awareness of mental health, and is famous for bringing autism into the public eye. You see a pattern here 😉
  6. Which book in English Literature would you consider as a masterpiece? I wouldn’t know where to start and I’d only be able to give you titles of books but not about the content 🙁
  7. Have you ever regretted any decision you had taken in your life? If so, would you mind sharing it? Oh I’ve regretted many decisions in my life. I suppose the biggest one was always “pretending” to be the class clown. We moved around a lot when I was young (mum leaving dad) from Scotland to England etc so my accent kept changing and teachers always made fun of me, making me stand in front of the class and read literature out loud so all my classmates would laugh at me too. It was easier just to pretend I was an idiot, so I never really learned much at any of the schools.
  8. Share 3-5 bloggers in the WordPress Community who really inspired you and whom you would love to thank for their support. Kacha at Food for thought was my first and still is a good blogging friend. Ashley at Mental Health @ Home was my next friend and great role model. Liz at My Wellbeing and Learning Journey was also there at the beginning and she still makes me smile today, so thank you Kacha, Ashley and Liz for your continued support.
  9. Why did you choose to become a blogger? Why WordPress? I thought I had things to say that others might appreciate. I’m a passionate advocate for all things mental health and will continue to fight to get rid of the stigma and discrimination attached to mental illness. I chose WordPress because I’d had a Mental Health First Aid training site with them before and I’d always found it easy to use.
  10. Share what you felt after being nominated to the #amazingBloggerAward. I was really excited and very happy that Aathmana thought me worthy 🙂 I love the blogger awards as they’re a great way of meeting new bloggers and finding out a bit more about them through the questions.

My nominations are

And my nominations are:

I’m really hoping you’ll all participate and I look forward to reading your answers, getting to know a bit more about you.

These bloggers are recent additions to my friends list in the blogging community and I hope you’ll drop by to say hello and welcome them.

My questions are

  1. What skill don’t you have but would like to have?
  2. Who is your role model and why?
  3. Why did you choose to do the job you do?
  4. What would make you stay or leave your current job?
  5. Where’s the last place on earth you’d want to visit and why?
  6. When did you last study, at home at school, uni or college? And what did you study?
  7. Will you holiday once lockdown is over and where will you go?
  8. Which season do you prefer and why?
  9. Tell us the best and the worst thing about your best friend and why?
  10. Please share what they would say is the best and worst thing about you and why?

I’ll be back tomorrow with the third post in my series “Let’s talk about Abuse” — I still haven’t decided which form of abuse to write about next, so I’m open to suggestions. And your comments, as always.

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