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I love this Blogger Recognition Award


Yay! Thank you so much for this lovely Blogger Recognition Award Kacha.

I’ve received the Blogger Recognition Award from Kacha at Food for thought. She also writes about mental health in her own inspiring and inimitable way. Her blog will offers insight into mental illness, researched articles on burnout and depression from her own personal experiences, together with snippets of psychology and practical tips. Why not drop by to have a look at her blog and say hi!


  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select up to fifteen bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment (or pingback) on each blog to let them know that you’ve nominated them, and provide a link to the post you’ve created.

My answers

Give a brief story of how your blog started. I’d always wanted to share my meanderings about mental illness and the attached stigma and discrimination — but I kept putting it off, wondering who would read it. I was also working long hours as a Mental Health Ward Manager and didn’t think I had the time to dedicate to a blog.

Still, I knew had a lot to write about — I’d had my own mental illness before becoming a mental health nurse, and I had fifteen years of diaries from my nursing days. I wanted to share both my personal and professional experiences as a way of (1) connecting with others who had similar interests, and (2) increasing awareness of mental illness and trying to reduce the stigma.

Once I’d medically retired in 2011 from my job as a Mental Health Ward Manager I thought, now’s the time to write. But unfortunately, I had no inclination because my mental health took a nosedive and I lived in a fog of depression and suicidal ideation yet again.

I eventually started my blog in September 2019. As some people know, my blog was originally called Mental Health from the other side, but as time went on I my blog evolved and I was covering all areas/sides of mental health. I thought what is “the other side”, what side of mental health was I talking about? After some consideration and collaboration with fellow bloggers I decided on Mental Health 360⁰, which covers all sides 🙂 And here we are!

Two pieces of advice to new bloggers. (1) Write about the things you believe in and what you’re passionate about because that will come across in your blog. (2) Connect with others in the blogging community by reading and commenting on their posts – don’t just ‘like’ them and run off.

Select up to 15 bloggers to give this award too. I hope you’ll participate and answer the above questions to help our new, up and coming bloggers. Here we go:

  1. Craig @
  2. Stephanie @
  3. Mary-Tamar was Jean @
  4. Jess @
  5. Eliza @

Most people know I love the Blog Awards as many of them have lots of questions and they’re a nice way to get to know about more about our fellow bloggers. The questions on this Award are brief but by their very nature, they might just help another blogger along the way. So, I’m hoping you’ll participate.


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